There is no better way to make a statement than to surprise her with an unexpected bouquet of stunning red roses. This gorgeous bouquet will be a symbol of the vibrant love you both share. Filled with bold long stemmed roses, this beautiful bouquet is sure to deliver romance for that special person. This bouquet is further spruced up with dainty gypsophilia flowers and golden palm leaves to give it that extra ‘oomph’. If you need to order gorgeous fresh flowers in Lagos, then you should order from us so we can make it happen for you. All our flowers are hand-picked and ordered fresh so that you can enjoy them for as long as possible.
Give her something to smile about today. Be the person that makes her day a memorable one. Include a box of chocolates or a teddy so you can make this gift even sweeter. Tell a friend about us so they can also have a great day filled with flowers.
Note that this floral arrangement can be ordered with a vase of as a bouquet in a printed sleeve.